Know how to use time very effectively is very important to master,and learn how to use time and let it become one part of you skill when you are still a college student or university student.
Here are several techniques can more easy to manage your time, use watch, use notebook, or make a good friend.
First, watch is one of useful creature in this world. The function of Watch is remind the time.
One of the method to manage your time is use watch, while you use watch you would not forget about what time it is right now, that you will not miss some important meeting, date, or appointment.
Second, have a mini-notebook is helpful to your schedule, it is not necessary big or heavy.
Carry a notebook is very complex or not useful to some of students, but they do not know maybe use a mini-notebook is a good technique to manage your schedule. Write note or memo on your notebook and bringing it with you everyday. That you will follow your schedule easily.
Third, make a good friend who you most like to hang-out and to believe.
Friend is somebody who can stay beside you while your family is not stay beside you. Especially make a good friend is can remind you to do something which is important or urgent. Find a friend you are very trust about him or her, and hang-out with him or her often. Even you forget you plan or things, he or she can tells you very quickly.
So, those techniques what I am talk about are very effectively to control your time. Also remember those techniques can easy help you how to manage your time. Do not waste your time easily, because time is money.
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